Fresno Periodontists

Root Canal Treatments

Root Canal Treatments

If you have a tooth that has become infected inside, an endodontic procedure, also called a root canal, can be used to remove the infected material and restore your tooth so it continues to function, but without the discomfort, you may have experienced before. It also ensures that the infection won’t threaten your other teeth or spread to your bones or sinuses, which may be life-threatening.

If you suspect you may need a root canal, we encourage you not to wait, but to schedule an evaluation by our dentist today. Please call (559) 298-4700 or email Nicolas A. Ravon, DDS, MSD for an appointment. While Dr. Ravon does not perform root canal treatment therapy, his office would schedule you for a consultation to make the best recommendation; upon examination we will discuss treatment options and refer you to an endodontist specialist if appropriate.

Root Canals: When They're Needed

A root canal is necessary when a tooth has become infected. Although this can only be diagnosed during a dental visit, some common symptoms include:
Sometimes, you may not notice the symptoms of an infected tooth, but a thorough examination as part of preventative dentistry can reveal the problem.

Root Canal Treatment

When the interior of a tooth experiences issues, it may be necessary to perform a root canal procedure. Fortunately, the hard, external surface of the tooth often remains unaffected.

A root canal procedure effectively eliminates the infected interior of a tooth, while maintaining its outward appearance to the highest standard. Consequently, your tooth remains unchanged on the surface, while being treated on the inside. However, in some instances, subsequent cosmetic treatments of the tooth may be required.

Root Canal Re-Treatment

In some instances, a root canal procedure may prove unsuccessful, necessitating a secondary treatment. This could be due to several factors, such as a tooth’s improper healing, overlooked complexities in the original root canal procedure, bacterial contamination within the tooth, or newly-formed decay exposing the root canal and causing an infection. Dr. Nicolas A. Ravon specializes in effectively retreating failed root canals and thoroughly cleansing, reforming, and refilling the tooth to ensure a successful outcome.


If a root canal re-treatment is unsuccessful or unadvisable, an apicoectomy may be considered as the next step. During this procedure, the root tip of the tooth is removed along with any infected tissue to prevent further spread of infection. A filling is then used to seal the end of the root. This is an advanced microsurgical technique that offers substantial benefits.

Root Canal vs Dental Implant: Which is Better?

It is recommended to prioritize saving natural teeth over opting for dental implants, even if experiencing tooth pain. Research indicates that after 15 years, teeth treated with root canal therapy have a slightly higher success rate. Additionally, attempting root canal treatment first allows for the possibility of a dental implant as a future option, whereas extraction is irreversible.

In certain scenarios, the deteriorating state of your teeth may require a dental implant as the optimal choice.

To get a comprehensive evaluation of your teeth and recommendations for your best treatment, please contact Nicolas A. Ravon, DDS, MSD.

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