Fresno Periodontists


Enhancing Smiles with Invisalign Treatment

Do you struggle with the appearance of misaligned teeth? Are you experiencing discomfort or excessive wear in certain areas of your mouth? Do you find it difficult to maintain proper oral hygiene due to hard-to-reach areas or trapped food? Invisalign offers a professional solution to straighten your teeth, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and fully functional smile. With the latest advancements in orthodontic technology, our treatment is now even more discreet, comfortable, and speedy.

For personalized advice regarding your orthodontic options, we invite you to contact our office at (559) 298-4700 or send an email to Nicolas A. Ravon, DDS, MSD. Our dental practice offers a range of cosmetic dentistry services, including clear braces, to help you achieve a confident smile.

Clear Aligners Treatment

Invisalign represents the most recent advancement in orthodontic technology and presents a multitude of benefits over conventional braces, avoiding many of their associated side effects.

Computerized Assisted Plan

Invisalign treatment planning is thoroughly computerized, allowing for a comprehensive review of your projected smile design. This affords ample opportunity to discuss treatment timelines, explore available options, and ultimately make an informed and empowered decision.

Clear Aligners

Invisalign aligners offer the advantage of complete transparency, as their name suggests. This feature is especially preferred by adult patients who prioritize their professional image, as well as high school students who wish to avoid the social stigma associated with metal braces.

Removable Appliance

The Invisalign aligner is conveniently removable at any time, allowing for unrestricted eating and facilitating optimal dental hygiene practices.

Not Causing Pain

The Invisalign aligner is intended to be readjusted every two weeks, compared to the required six weeks for traditional braces. This leads to a reduction in added pressure each week and subsequently, significantly less discomfort.

Professional Dental Retainers for Lasting Oral Health

Following orthodontic treatment, a retainer serves to preserve the new positioning of your teeth as the surrounding gums and roots adapt to the changes. Each retainer is tailored from translucent plastic and is initially worn every night (and occasionally during the day in severe cases), with usage gradually decreasing as the teeth and gums adjust to their revised alignment.

Is Invisalign an Appropriate Treatment for You?

We understand that having an imperfect smile can be distressing. Contact Nicolas A. Ravon, DDS, MSD today to schedule an appointment and begin your journey towards a straighter smile.

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